Exploring the Metaobject Protocol


Exploring the Metaobject Protocol

Today we’ll take a look at the concept of a “metaobject protocol” from a high level and try to understand it by studying the implementation of Tiny CLOS, a minimal implementation of the metaobject protocol for Scheme.

If you are interested to study this idea further, you can’t beat the book The Art of the Metaobject Protocol. It is considered the bible on the subject!

What is it?

The metaobject “protocol” is a design pattern that enables a highly flexible object oriented system that goes beyond what you would normally expect from classes and methods in a programming language.

  • An extensible class system where you can even customize how a particular type gets initialized
  • Highly flexible method dispatch against specific type signatures
  • Modules that add new implementations to a standard generic method
  • Control many aspects of class and instance creation by adding new generic method implementations (this is where “metaobject” comes in)
  • Classes and methods can be redefined at runtime, even updating existing class instances with new fields
  • More interestingly, you can write such a system as a library in many cases!


Why should you be interested?

Because it’s cool!

Also because it adds an interesting new layer onto the functional programming capabilities of Lisps:

(use-modules (oop goops))

(define-class <cat> ())
(define-class <dog> ())
(define-class <human> ())

(define (speak entity)
  (display "This one doesn't know how to speak!"))

(define-generic speak)

(define-method (speak (dog <dog>))
  (display "Bark!\n"))

(define-method (speak (cat <cat>))
  (display "Meow!\n"))

(define-method (speak (human <human>))
  (display "What's for dinner?\n"))

;; Call `speak` on each item of the list
(map speak (list (make-instance <cat>)
                 (make-instance <dog>)
                 (make-instance <human>)
                 ;; "I'm a string!\n"

Interesting aspects:

  • There doesn’t need to be any common class in the hierarchy, any classes can have a method
  • You can even make methods for primitive types like <string>

Why am I interested in it?

Because I’m implementing it for Mesche!


I believe this feature will give Mesche an interesting advantage in hackability:

  • Well-defined types for important concepts
  • Many high-level concepts (equal?, append, map, etc) can be represented as generic methods
  • Any library can augment a standard type with new methods
  • User code can insert hooks around methods or even instance initialization to customize behavior

Let’s dive in!

Now we’ll take a look at the code for Tiny CLOS and see what we can make of it:


We can also experiment with Guile’s GOOPS some more to try out some of these ideas:


Lisps with a meta-object protocol

If you’d like to try out a Lisp with a meta-object protocol, check these out:

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