- Tomorrow (Saturday the 11th) marks 1 year since the first Emacs From Scratch stream + 100 videos!
- Sunday Sep 12, 1pm Pacific / 8pm UTC, Emacs/Nushell stream with Systems with JT
- Submit a proposal for EmacsConf 2021! Deadline Sep 30 - https://emacsconf.org/2021/cfp/
¶Channel Brainstorming
- Move Friday streams one hour earlier to 8am Pacific / 3pm UTC?
- Create a second channel for Hack Sessions?
- Which video series next? Finish an older one? Something new?
¶Emacs Package Potluck
Just like last time, let’s try a bunch of Emacs packages.
I want to try your package suggestions, they can be any of the following:
- A package you wrote (preferrable!)
- A package you love
- A package that doesn’t get enough attention
- A package you’ve never got working
- TitanOfOld: beacon
- Appenzell, garjola: ement.el (try it with System Crafters Matrix bridge)
- Drishal: shackle
- karthik: consult-dir, popper, ytel (YouTube via elfeed)
- Zel: Vuiet
- Mayush: ranger
- dean: selectric-mode (thanks Abin!)
- Tae Eun Kim: org-special-block-extras
- Charlie McMackin: esup
- Appenzell: org-roam-ui
- Shubham: evil-replace-with-register
- Eddas: org-sidebar
- Noble&Savage: vue-mode
- Abin Simon: evil-textobj-tree-sitter, fancy-narrow
- Thomas Birkmaier - org-gantt
- Tyler Grinn: org-real
- ZW Wang: company-tabnine
¶Final Config
(use-package beacon :straight t) (use-package plz :straight (plz :host github :repo "alphapapa/plz.el")) ;; Install Ement. (use-package ement :straight (ement :host github :repo "alphapapa/ement.el")) (use-package shackle :straight t :config (shackle-mode 1) (setq ;shackle-rules '((help-mode :noselect t)) shackle-default-rule '(:same t))) (use-package popper :straight t :bind (("C-`" . popper-toggle-latest) ("M-`" . popper-cycle) ("C-M-`" . popper-toggle-type)) :init (setq popper-reference-buffers '("\\*Messages\\*" "Output\\*$" "*eshell*" help-mode compilation-mode)) (popper-mode +1)) (use-package ytel :straight t :config (setq ytel-invidious-api-url "https://invidious.snopyta.org")) (defun ytel-watch () "Stream video at point in mpv." (interactive) (let* ((video (ytel-get-current-video)) (id (ytel-video-id video))) (start-process "ytel mpv" nil "mpv" (concat "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=" id)) "--ytdl-format=bestvideo[height<=?720]+bestaudio/best") (message "Starting streaming...")) (use-package vuiet :straight t) (use-package ranger :straight t) (use-package selectric-mode :straight t) ;; https://github.com/benoitj/dotfiles/blob/main/private_dot_irssi/notify.wav (defun selectric-type-sound () "Make the sound of the printing element hitting the paper." (selectric-make-sound (expand-file-name "~/Downloads/notify.wav")))
¶Ashraz’s Random Package Picker
Ashraz offered up this little gem before the stream but I didn’t get to use it (yet!):
(defun potluck--show-winner (name) "Use animation to anounce the winner of a potluck draw. See `potluck-random-package' for more information." ;; Heavily inspired by `butterfly'. (switch-to-buffer (get-buffer-create "*potluck*")) (erase-buffer) (sit-for 0) (animate-string "And the winner is..." (/ (window-height) 2) (- (/ (window-width) 2) 11)) (animate-string name (+ 3 (/ (window-height) 2)) (- (/ (window-width) 2) (/ (length name) 2)))) (defun potluck--random-element (sequence) "Pick one of the elements out of SEQUENCE randomly." (seq-elt sequence (random (length sequence)))) (defun potluck-random-package (&optional include-installed print-only) "Show a random not installed package. If INCLUDE-INSTALLED is not nil, then also include installed packages. If PRINT-ONLY is `t' the don't use any animation." (interactive) (let ((all-names (mapcar 'car package-archive-contents))) (unless include-installed (setq all-names (seq-difference all-names (mapcar 'car package-alist)))) (let ((winner (symbol-name (potluck--random-element all-names)))) (if print-only (princ winner) (potluck--show-winner winner)))))