New SC Video: Rescue Your Commits with Git Reflog
In this video, I’ll show you three techniques using the ’git reflog’ command that can save you from lost work and despair! If you’ve ever deleted a branch by accident, lost commits against a detached head, or make a mistake during a ’git rebase’ operation, you’ll want to check these out!
Next SC Video: My Review of the Framework 13 with AMD Ryzen
I got a Framework 13 last week! It’s awesome, I’ll post a video soon with a review, especially with my experience installing Guix on it.
Black Friday Deal: $50 off Hands-On Guile Scheme for Beginners!
This will go on through Cyber Week!
New Workshop: “Git Good: From Basics to Beyond in 4 Hours”
I’ll be giving a one-day, 4 hour workshop on December 8 and December 15 that will take you from the basics of Git all the way to advanced techniques like
git rebase
.(The first session is next Sunday!)
This will be an interactive workshop where I teach you the core concepts of Git and practical techniques for everyday use. Participants will be given short, hands-on exercises to try while the event goes on so that you can learn quickly and ask questions.
If you want to learn how to use Git like an experienced hacker, join us here:
More dates may be added if there is enough interest!
Complete the Guix Survey!
This is the last few days!
¶Let’s Customize the Modus Themes!
Palette override documentation: https://protesilaos.com/emacs/modus-themes#h:34c7a691-19bb-4037-8d2f-67a07edab150
Here’s the work we did during the stream:
(defun dw/clear-background-color (&optional frame) (interactive) (or frame (setq frame (selected-frame))) "unsets the background color in terminal mode" (unless (display-graphic-p frame) ;; Set the terminal to a transparent version of the background color (send-string-to-terminal (format "\033]11;[90]%s\033\\" (face-attribute 'default :background))) (set-face-background 'default "unspecified-bg" frame))) ;; Clear the background color for transparent terminals (unless (display-graphic-p) (add-hook 'after-make-frame-functions 'dw/clear-background-color) (add-hook 'window-setup-hook 'dw/clear-background-color) (add-hook 'ef-themes-post-load-hook 'dw/clear-background-color)) (use-package modus-themes :ensure nil :demand t :custom (modus-themes-italic-constructs t) (modus-themes-bold-constructs t) (modus-themes-common-palette-overrides `((bg-main "#292D3E") (bg-active bg-main) (fg-main "#EEFFFF") (fg-active fg-main) (fg-mode-line-active "#A6Accd") (bg-mode-line-active "#232635") (fg-mode-line-inactive "#676E95") (bg-mode-line-inactive "#282c3d") (bg-tab-bar "#242837") (bg-tab-current bg-main) (bg-tab-other bg-active) (fg-prompt "#c792ea") (bg-prompt unspecified) (bg-hover-secondary "#676E95") (bg-completion "#2f447f") (fg-completion white) (bg-region "#3C435E") (fg-region white) (fg-heading-0 "#82aaff") (fg-heading-1 "#82aaff") (fg-heading-2 "#c792ea") (fg-heading-3 "#bb80b3") (fg-heading-4 "#a1bfff") (fg-prose-verbatim "#c3e88d") (bg-prose-block-contents "#232635") (fg-prose-block-delimiter "#676E95") (bg-prose-block-delimiter bg-prose-block-contents) (accent-1 "#79a8ff") (keyword "#89DDFF") (builtin "#82aaff") (comment "#676E95") (string "#c3e88d") (fnname "#82aaff") (type "#c792ea") (variable "#ffcb6b") (docstring "#8d92af") (constant "#f78c6c"))) :init (load-theme 'modus-vivendi-tinted t) (add-hook 'modus-themes-after-load-theme-hook #'dw/clear-background-color))