- Jeff Bowman wrote an article about the rename from Rational Emacs to Crafted Emacs: https://jeffbowman.writeas.com/from-rational-to-crafted-emacs
- A new way to support the channel: Buy Mastering Emacs with this link https://www.masteringemacs.org/r/systemcrafters
¶Automating Tasks with Emacs Lisp
Today we’re going to write a lot of Emacs Lisp code to automate a particular monotonous task: editing my YouTube video descriptions!
Why? It’s nice to be able to keep all of your video descriptions following a standard format so that they can be automatically updated using code for things like:
- Adding links to new playlists to every video
- Updating links to my websites
- Temporary links to occasional events I want to promote
Here’s the flow I have in mind:
- Download the description of a particular video to a file on disk (in a temporary location)
- Open the buffer to make any desired edits
- Use a command to send the changes back to the original video
- Make it possible to download all video descriptions at once
- Create a bulk editing action to edit (and verify) changes to all description files
- Mass-upload all changed description files back to YouTube
We probably won’t get through all of this today! I do have a starting point, though. My live-crafter
package has some YouTube Data API code we can borrow to kick things off!
¶The final code
;; -*- lexical-binding: t; -*- (require 'simple-httpd) (defvar video-meta-client-id nil) (defvar video-meta-api-key nil) (defvar video-meta-client-secret nil) (defvar video-meta--access-token-func nil) (defvar video-meta--auth-redirect-uri "http://localhost:3000/oauth2_callback") (defvar video-meta--use-bearer-auth nil) (defvar video-meta--request-url nil) (defvar video-meta--video-file-path "/tmp/video-meta") (defun video-meta--get-access-token () (funcall video-meta--access-token-func)) (defun video-meta--build-params (params) (string-join (mapcar (lambda (pair) (format "%s=%s" (car pair) (cdr pair))) params) "&")) (defun video-meta--build-uri (path params) (let ((param-string (video-meta--build-params params))) (concat path (if (> (length param-string) 0) "?" "") param-string))) (defun video-meta--http-get (url params) (plz 'get (video-meta--build-uri url params) :as #'json-read :else (lambda (err) (message "ERROR: %S" err)) :headers `(("Content-Type" . "application/json") ("Authorization" . ,(format "Bearer %s" (video-meta--get-access-token)))))) (defun video-meta--http-put (url params body) (plz 'put (video-meta--build-uri url params) :as #'json-read :body (json-encode body) :headers `(("Content-Type" . "application/json") ("Authorization" . ,(format "Bearer %s" (video-meta--get-access-token)))))) (defun video-meta--build-auth-url (client-id redirect-uri) (video-meta--build-uri "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/v2/auth" `((client_id . ,client-id) (response_type . "code") (redirect_uri . ,redirect-uri) ("scope" . ,(string-join '("https://www.googleapis.com/auth/youtube" "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/youtube.force-ssl" "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/youtube.readonly") " "))))) (defun video-meta--extract-token (json-body) (cdr (assoc 'access_token json-body))) (defun video-meta--request-token (auth-code) (let* ((params `((client_id . ,video-meta-client-id) (client_secret . ,video-meta-client-secret) (code . ,auth-code) (grant_type . "authorization_code") (redirect_uri . ,video-meta--auth-redirect-uri))) (url-request-method "POST") (url-request-extra-headers '(("Content-Type" . "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"))) (url-request-data (video-meta--build-params params))) (with-temp-buffer (url-retrieve "https://oauth2.googleapis.com/token" (lambda (status) (message "In callback!") (re-search-forward "^\n") (let ((token-details (json-read))) (setq video-meta--access-token-func #'(lambda () (video-meta--extract-token token-details))))) nil t)))) (defun video-meta-authenticate () (interactive) (let ((httpd-port 3000) (auth-url (video-meta--build-auth-url video-meta-client-id "http://localhost:3000/oauth2_callback"))) (httpd-start) (browse-url auth-url))) (defservlet* oauth2_callback text/plain (code error) (if error (message "Error during YouTube authentication: %s" error) (progn (message "Requesting token!") (video-meta--request-token code))) (httpd-stop)) (defun video-meta-get-subscriber-count () (let ((params `((part . "statistics") (mine . "true") (key . ,video-meta-api-key)))) (video-meta--http-get "https://youtube.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/channels" params (lambda (response) (message "Got response! %S" response))))) (defun video-meta--extract-video-list (response) (cdr (assoc 'items response))) (defun video-meta--extract-video-details (video) (let ((snippet (cdr (assoc 'snippet video)))) `((id . ,(cdr (assoc 'id video))) (category-id . ,(cdr (assoc 'categoryId snippet))) (title . ,(cdr (assoc 'title snippet))) (description . ,(cdr (assoc 'description snippet)))))) (defun video-meta-get-video-details (video-id) (let ((response (video-meta--http-get "https://youtube.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/videos" `((part . "snippet") (id . ,video-id) (key . ,video-meta-api-key))))) (video-meta--extract-video-details (aref (video-meta--extract-video-list response) 0)))) (defun video-meta--download-video-description (video-id) (let* ((video (video-meta-get-video-details video-id)) (description (cdr (assoc 'description video)))) ;; Save the file to the path using the video id as filename (with-temp-file (expand-file-name (format "%s.txt" video-id) video-meta--video-file-path) ;; Try pretty printing with pp and with-output-to-string (insert (format "%S" (map-delete video 'description))) (insert "\n---\n") (insert description)))) ;; (video-meta--download-video-description "za99DwdZEyg") (defun video-meta--upload-video-description (video-id category-id title description) (let ((response (video-meta--http-put "https://youtube.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/videos" `((part . "snippet") (id . ,video-id) (key . ,video-meta-api-key)) `((id . ,video-id) (snippet . ((title . ,title) (categoryId . ,category-id) (description . ,description))))))))) ;; (let* ((video-id "za99DwdZEyg") ;; (video (video-meta-get-video-details video-id))) ;; (video-meta--upload-video-description video-id ;; (cdr (assoc 'category-id video)) ;; (cdr (assoc 'title video)) ;; (concat "Testing description uploading! " (cdr (assoc 'description video))))) ;; (video-meta--upload-video-description "za99DwdZEyg" "Automated Org Mode Website Publishing with GitHub or SourceHut") (provide 'video-meta)