Crafting CSS with Scheme


  • GNU Artanis 1.1.0 has released!

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Let’s Generate CSS from Scheme!

  • Basic generation of CSS from s-expressions
  • Support some of the more advanced CSS syntax
  • Making it easy to serve generated CS from a Guile HTTP server
  • Making it easy to re-evaluate the CSS code at runtime

Garden for Clojure:

Another example:

The final code

(use-modules (ice-9 match))

(define display-value
    ((head . ())
     (write head))
    ((head . rest)
     (write head)
     (display ", ")
     (display-value rest))
    (value (if (symbol? value)
               (display (symbol->string value))
               (write value)))))

(define (write-attrs attrs)
  (for-each (match-lambda
              ((key value)
               (format #t "  ~a: " key)
               (display-value value)
               (display ";\n")))

(define* (scss->css tree #:optional port)
  (with-output-to-port (or port
    (lambda ()
      (for-each (lambda (rule)
                  (match rule
                    (((element . rest) . attrs)
                     (display-value (cons element rest))
                     (display " {\n")
                     (write-attrs attrs)
                     (display "}\n\n"))
                    ((element . attrs)
                     (format #t "~a {\n" element)
                     (write-attrs attrs)
                     (display "}\n\n"))))

(define fg-color "#eeffff")

 `((html (font-size "16px"))
   (body (margin 0)
         (font-family ("Jost*" sans-serif))
         (line-neight 1.5)
         (color ,fg-color)
         (background-color "#292d3e"))
   ((h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6)
    (font-weight 600)
    (line-height 1.3)
    (margin-top 1.3rem)
    (margin-bottom 0.5rem)
    (color ,fg-color))
   ((a:hover a:focus)
    (color "#82aaff")))

   ;; Special syntax for media queries needed!
   ;; ((@media screen and (max-width 767px))
   ;;  (html (font-size 16px))
 ;;  (.logo (max-width 200px))))

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