- No stream next week (Dec 27)! Happy Holidays!
The Spritely Institute is having a fundraiser!
The Spritely Institute is working hard on new tools and technologies that are very important to the future of the Internet and also the future of Scheme!
Consider donating on a monthly basis to help them continue working toward these goals so that we can have a more friendly, fun Internet that isn’t dominated by corporate interests.
¶Trying out Howm for Emacs
- Homepage: https://kaorahi.github.io/howm/
- Unofficial manual: https://github.com/Emacs101/howm-manual/blob/main/Howm_tutorial_eng.pdf
¶What we’ll do
Look into these features:
- Creating notes
- The home screen
- Linking notes
- Searching for notes
- Creating tasks, especially with deadlines
- General workflow tips
¶The configuration
(use-package howm :ensure t :init (setq howm-directory "~/Howm") (setq howm-home-directory howm-directory) (setq howm-file-name-format "%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S.md") (setq howm-view-title-header "#") ;; This binding is only needed if you want to use Howm in Org files! (setq howm-prefix (kbd "C-c ;")) :bind* ;; Conveniently open the Howm menu with "C-c ; ;". ("C-c ; ;" . howm-menu))