New Steel Bank Common Lisp (SBCL) release:
- Next week (really?): New System Crafters video on workflows for managing many tasks with Org agenda bulk actions!
¶Let’s Look at Janet!
- Module system, projects
- Making a standalone application
- Simple program using Jaylib
- PEG parser
- Basic scripting, common tasks
- Shell DSL https://acha.ninja/blog/dsl_for_shell_scripting/
The code we worked on near the end:
(def get-command-grammar '{:target (<- (some (range "az"))) :get "get " :main (* :get :target)}) (defn process-command [] (def input (file/read stdin :line)) (print "The command was: " input) (pp (peg/match get-command-grammar input)) # Recursive loop! (process-command)) (defn main [& args] (process-command))